Welcome to Kiwanis
Luminaria season is over for now, but we thank Sugar Beet! for offering kits
Welcome to your local Kiwanis service club, serving River Forest and Oak Park, where we are dedicated to supporting a culture of service in our community and developing youth as community leaders. READ MORE>>
2025 Scholarships
This year's Kiwanis Scholarships are available for area students continuing education past high school. The evaluation criteria places a strong emphasis on community service. Apply here: Kiwanis Scholarship
On Saturday Nov. 16th, the Kiwanis Club of River Forest & Oak Park brought together it's members and volunteers, including 17 members of the OPRF Tau Gamma service club to apply a fresh coat of paint to the bedrooms and kitchen at the PACTT group home in Oak Park that serves children and teens with autism. Many hands make light work.
Supporting children Resources
Caring for children while school's out (Center for Disease Control)
How to talk to kids during the Coronavirus (Healthline)
How to talk to your anxious child (Psychology Today)
Checklist to build developmental assets to help children weather the crisis (The Search Institute)
Fun learning sites for children: National Geographic for Kids, Storytelling: Introducing imagineering in a box by Khan Academy, BrainPop (recommended by District 90)
Join us: We meet twice monthly (2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month), and engage in service projects and social activities throughout the year. See our EVENTS CALENDAR>>
We have fun on Kiwanis Peanut Day, and throughout the year, raising funding for teen scholarships, community grants, and service projects. Find out how you can donate, apply for grants or scholarships, or participate in fundraising.
Service is at the heart of our club. Learn more about upcoming volunteer opportunities to engage with your friends and neighbors to help in the community. If you have an idea for a service project in our community, contact us.
We enjoy volunteering side-by-side for good causes, helping to seed the start of community events like Lincoln School's Science Expo, and learning more about the community from guest speakers during our meetings. Join us.